Saturday, October 07, 2006

Canadian Thanksgiving

It is the first day of my three day weekend. Our weekend for turkey, stuffing and pumpkin pie (which I don't like).
This is the weekend where we pull out all of dead plants and winterize our yard. I am actually quite amazed we have not had any snow yet. It is supposed to be a beautiful weekend with lots of sun. I am looking foward to getting my yard ready for winter and to get rid of all the dead plants.
My mom is giving me a ton of lily bulbs to plant as well so we should have lots of great flowers in the summer. Now I just have to figure out where to put them all. We are also going to cut down our clematis. The silly thing exploded this year and it is pulling down the metal fences we had put there for them to climb on. Unfortunately, the trellis were not tall enough since we didn't think the thing would go nuts on us. So we want to start fresh in the spring and train it a bit better.
I am also going to try and work on the community newsletter this weekend. I was voted in as director of publications on our community and I get to put out a newsletter 4 times a year. I am excited about it as I get to use Microsoft Publisher. One of my favorite programs. I am also working on learning how to use powerpoint and I have been making a presentation for Epicure Spices, the home based business that I have. That has also been fun. I never knew how easy it was to use it and have been a bit wary of trying it. I have had in on my computer for years but never tried it. My kids have used it and have actually done power point presentations for school. So I figured if they could do it, so could I.
So it should be a busy weekend. I also have to make appetizers to take to my parents house for thanksgiving supper tomorrow. My mom is cooking the turkey that I bought, so I don't feel too guilty about not cooking this year.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

hey there!!
Nice to hear from you. We finally got snow about a day after I read your note....go figure.
I will get your email from Marian so that I can email you. I would love to read your blog as well!!