Saturday, May 26, 2007

Finally A Nice Day Out

We are finally going to be having a decent weekend for a change. Yesterday was the first day we had seen the sun in about 7-10 days. I think I am going to go shopping and buy some outdoor plants.

I am typing this blog from my own very new laptop!! I have been looking and looking for almost a full year for a laptop and we are finally able to afford one. I didn't go for one that cost thousands of dollars, but just your basic dual core 1gig memory and 80 gig harddrive. It is a hp pavillion dv6000 in case you want to look it up. Now if I can only get my wireless internet to work, I will be a happy camper. I think I am going to have to buy a new router.

Kat turned 15 on Thursday. Cor was working nights so I got my mom to order chinese food and the kids and I had Katie's birthday supper at mom and dad's house. It was great for the kids to spend time with their grandparents with all of the scares we have had in the last few months(more on my dad later).

So Kat's birthday party is today. We let her invite a ton of kids here for an afternoon and night party. A few of her girlfriends will be spending the night so I think it will be a verrrry long night but that is okay. We have bought 4 dozen hotdogs/buns, 4 bags of chips, 4 bottles of pop, 48 cans of pop and a huge slab cake. I hope that is enough.

My dad came home from the hospital last Wednesday, May 16. He seemed to be okay when he got home but as the days went by, he seemed to lose more and more of his speech. My dad's sister (who used to be a nurse many moons ago) made mom worry more by either calling and giving bad new or expressing her worry to the point of madness. On Monday, the holiday, my aunt called me to talk and expressed her worry about him. I let her talk because I figured she needed to vent and was okay with that. The next day, I am at work and my aunt calls me there. She had been talking to a speech therapist that she knew at the hospital and after describing my dad's symptoms, the therapist said that dad should be taken back the hospital. So she tried to call my parents and after getting no answer, she called me at work. She was at the point of going over to my parents and sitting there until they got home so that she could personally escort them to the hospital. So I get off the phone with her and try my parents house to get no answer. I call my brother and he said that when he talked to mom that morning, dad was out in the garage riding his stationary bike. Of course, I start to think really bad thoughts and start to panic. I call my boss and tell her what is going on. I tell her that I am thinking that my dad might be back in the hospital. So she tells me to phone the hospital and then to phone her back when I am done. So I phone the hospital and find out that dad was indeed there but he was also released already. So I phone my boss back but her phone is busy and I try and work for a bit until she gets off the phone. A few minutes later my boss comes into my office. She tells me that while I was phoning the hospital, she tried calling mom and dads house again and of course they are home by that time. My boss tells mom why she is calling (they have met several times before) and my mom gets very angry and blames my aunt on all of it. I can understand why she got mad but on the other hand, I think I did overreact just a tad. My boss says that I didn't overreact at all and I am so grateful that she has really big shoulders for me to cry on. I have used her shoulders a few times in the past, more often in the past couple of months.

So, the result of my dad being back in emergency is that they did another cat scan and saw that his brain is still a bit swollen and he still has some fluid left over from the surgery they had to do before. Instead of re-admitting him (thank goodness) they put him back on steroids to help reduce the swelling. By that night, when we went over for a visit, he was already improving. I will keep you updated on how he is doing.

Tomorrow after all of Kat's friends go home, we are off to do a 5km fun walk to help support liver transplant. My bosses' daughter and my co-worker had a liver transplant when she was very young. She is now twenty something, engaged to be married but unfortanately is sick with something they still haven't been able to diagnose and she has been unable to work. We are all praying that she will come out of it okay. So this walk should be fun, maybe not the actually walking, but since a bunch of us from work will be doing this, at least it will be entertaining. Our whole family is doing the walk so it also gives us a chance to do something as a family.

There is more I want to write, but I need to get off my butt and help clean the house before we get overrun with teenagers.

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